I love going to cemeteries. No, I’m not morbid, but I find them peaceful and relaxing. I like to contemplate life, people and the mysteries of the universe while I’m visiting. Yeah, rather heavy stuff. Those moments clear my head, center my thoughts, and enable me to go forward with a more specific and balanced plan.
I took a little trip to Hollywood Cemetery located in downtown Richmond, Virginia.

It is rather large and has quite a few historically famous people buried there among thousands and thousands of “ordinary” people like me. Hmmmm…I think that is the first time I’ve every considered myself ordinary. Maybe I should go look in the mirror again. LOL

I followed the blue line on the map first because it led to the famous grave markers and then I inspected the rest of the cemetery. It is a huge place!

James Monroe was the fifth President of the United States (1817–1825). He was a tough opponent in both the presidential elections of 1816 and 1820 because he was well prepared with an attention to detail and non-partisan in spirit. Most of the appointments to offices during his service went to deserving Democratic-Republicans. He did not try to further his party which was evident by the diversity of his political appointments. This reduced anxiety which prompted historians to call this time in American history the “Era of Good Feelings”.

The wife of James Monroe is buried in the ground slightly to the side and back of his grave site. I kept telling Alyssa, “We have to find his wife!” I like it when couples are buried together even if one was the President of the United States. Love is love and they should be together.

His daughter is also buried to the side and back.

John Tyler, Jr. was the tenth President of the United States (1841–1845). Tyler was and is also considered to have set a precedent for future presidencies. While he was Vice President, the President (Harrison) died. Tyler stepped into the office of President and claimed all rights of the presidency without relinquishing any of his powers.

The weather was so beautiful and cooperative. The sky was blue, the sun was shining brightly and there was a slight breeze that caressed my face. It was a great day to visit especially since it was very quiet.
I have a few more photos of my trip that day which I will post tomorrow. I’ve included some “not so historical” pictures too.
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