Many years ago I heard of a concept and it just stuck in my brain as one of the brightest ideas I had ever heard. Since that day, I have practiced what I call Carefree Timelessness.

Growing up, Saturday was “Cleaning Day” and I always dreaded it especially since back then my mother could have won the award for “OCD Cleaning Hell” – sorry Mom, but I’m so glad you are not like that any more! There really wasn’t any “sleeping in” and she would wake us up early so that we could get all the cleaning done. We did ALL THE CHORES on Saturday including washing the knick knacks (she has a million), cleaning all the crystals on the chandeliers, scrubbing the baseboards, etc. You get the picture. I like a clean home, but that isn’t my idea of happy family time on Saturday. It isn’t hers any more either. Yahoo!
Carefree Timelessness is time that is not scheduled to the minute, no agenda and not work or chore related. It is time that is carefree, spontaneous, relaxing and fun. In order to have Saturday characterized as Carefree Timelessness, it is necessary to prepare during the week. My plan is to do all the chores DURING the week so that Saturday is totally free. For instance, the best time to clean the bathroom is before you take your shower. You’re already “unclean” so to drop down on your knees and scrub the floor, tub and toilet isn’t a big sacrifice and the sink is a piece of cake if you don’t have stuff sitting all around it.
That statement leads me to a side note about this process. It is necessary to become and remain organized. The bathroom should have all bottles, brushes, etc. put in cabinets or baskets. When it is time to clean around the sink, there won’t be anything there – no huge stash of bottles and makeup. It is not only more pleasant on the eye, it allows you to QUICKLY clean the sink. I used to be the General Manager of a hotel and the bathroom was always top on my list for ensuring cleanliness.
Cleaning The Carefree Timelessness Way
So if you need a little help with the cleaning order, it could go something like this:
Cleaning the Bathroom
- remove all towels (dirty clothes should already be in the laundry room)
- spray cleaner all over the sink area and mirrors
- put cleaner in the toilet and spray the outside of the toilet
- clean the mirrors
- clean the sink
- scrub the toilet
- wipe the floor, baseboards, bathroom door and door facings
- get in the shower “to take your bath”, use the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and scrub the walls – doing this every shower will ensure the walls sparkle all the time
- after shower, take all towels to the laundry
Bathroom is done!
It is just a matter of being organized and consistent. Each chore should have a set day. Gear your mind up that you will not be overwhelmed because you don’t have to do everything at one time. Remember to cultivate good organizational habits for yourself and your family.
Good Daily Habits
- put things back where you find them immediately after use
- if you drop or drip something, pick or wipe it up immediately
- rid yourself of the clutter – it is depressing
- remain consistent with yourself and the family – everyone should help with keeping the home clean because they live there and you are not the maid – besides, don’t they also make a mess?
- don’t throw anything in the floor
Daily Chores
- shower walls
- trash
- wash dishes after each meal, clean all the counters, mop/clean the floor
- wash, dry, fold and put away laundry
- wipe or clean any obvious places that have been “missed”
- make your bed
- straighten every room – fix pillows, adjust draperies, straighten throw rugs
Weekly Chore Breakdown
- Monday: clean all the windows (monthly chore: clean the baseboards)
- Tuesday: iron
- Wednesday: dust the furniture (monthly chore: dust the door frames)
- Thursday: vacuum (monthly chore: shampoo the carpet)
- Friday: wash and clean knick knacks
- Sunday: rest
You will notice that I also threw in the “monthly chore,” but try not to do all the monthly chores in the same week!
If you break it down with a few chores per day, it will leave you a “choreless” weekend that you can fill with Carefree Timelessness. Time that you can totally devote to teaching, loving, motivating, and enjoying time with self and family.
I know it has made a huge difference in my “mothering” and I believe it has helped me to become a better person by giving me the relaxation and rest that I need after working so hard each week.
Boy, I really need to get on the stick with my cleaning schedule, I see! Maybe some organization will help me.
I was twittering when I got your message! My name is hopestudios1, I will look for you 🙂
Great tips, thanks so much for sharing! I always find myself slacking and being so tired after work that I let things slip chore-wise. Then the weekend comes and there's always a ton of things to organize.
Stopping in from SITS!
I think I had a little OCD when it came to cleaning, too, like your Mother. I have three children right around your age, Red, and they would agree with you 100%
I have since, simplified my life and slacked a bit, when it comes to cleaning, but the older I get the more I have slacked. I needed your post today with the organizational schedule. I am going to schedule my chores on a separate 'chore' calendar.
Thanks for getting my motor running, again.:-)