Walking along the beach I see an object reflecting an eye-catching bright green color. Curiosity gets the best of me causing my footsteps to slowly walk towards the object, kicking the sand with each step.
As I stoop to pick up the object of my fascination, I am mesmerized by the smooth, slender shape of the empty bottle and its accompanying cork top.

If you knew that someone close to you would find the bottle at an unspecified date in the future and you only had one sheet of paper in which to write them a note, what would you be compelled to write?

Now throw it back into the ocean…

? ‘I love you’ ?
because this chance might never come again.”
So thoughtful—-it really makes you think….and I used to love Jim Croce—kind of had a crush on him when I was about 10 or so….
Oh how beautiful, I use to sing that song all the time. You made your ole mom get tears for all the messages I have for you would never fit in a bottle.
What a thought-provoking post! My handwriting would have to be awfully tight to get everything I'd want to say on one piece of paper…
We constantly tell each other "I Love You" in our family.
I absolutely love this post because I think it's important to always let those you care about know how much they mean to you. It always strikes me as funny people who talk about the ones they love so lovingly to others but never to the people themselves. I never let my son or hubby leave the house without knowing that they are my world.
Such a peaceful post. The water and the crisp green bottle. What a thought provoking question-what else besides I love you would you say in a note to let your loved ones know how special they are and how much you love them. Very good post.
beautiful post! I would tell them I love them!
You bet I'd use my only sheet of paper to tell my family how much I love them and take the chance of mailing it in a bottle if that was my only chance.
I love the Jim Croce song.
I hated the movie with the same name.
To answer your question on my blog today, I write between four and ten stories a year on average. It depends on the length. Four when they're 50K and longer. If a lot of short stories, say 15K or 20K, then I get more published. I'm not counting in that total the 1K freebies I've been doing lately. Can you tell I'm an obsessed writer? In keeping with your theme today, I'm also an obsessed letter writer and as a kid, I had a lot of pen pals. At the day job I have now, I started as a letter writer for customer service and I used to write letters all day long – and loved it.